Southwest Horizon School Division values our employees as our greatest asset and strives to provide a hazard-free, safe and healthy workplace that complies with The Manitoba Safety and Health Act and Regulations. 


In dealing with workplace hazards, Southwest Horizon School Division has implemented this administrative procedure to assist our employees in the identification, assessment and control of hazards and risks to ensure their safety and so that safe work practices and procedures are being adhered to. 




Hazard: the term "hazard" refers to the potential to cause harm. In the case of a workplace health hazard, the harm is to a worker's health and usually takes the form of an injury or illness. It is important to note that a "hazard" only represents a potential to cause harm. Whether it actually does cause harm will depend on circumstances, such as the toxicity of the health hazard, exposure amount and duration. 


Risk: is the probability or chance that a hazard will actually harm someone. 


Occupational Hazards: an occupational hazard is a thing or situation with the potential to harm a worker. Occupational hazards can be divided into two categories: 




Removing occupational hazards is only one way of improving worker protection. A more practical approach to the limitation of occupational hazards is the control or management of the risks that hazards pose. 


As mandated by The Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Regulation, all organizations must develop and implement Safe Work Practices. Conducting a Job Hazard Analysis for all jobs done in the workplace will create these Safe Work Practices. 


Administrative Procedure Application



Acknowledgement and Agreement

I, _________________________________________ acknowledge that I have read and understand the Safe Work Practices Administrative Procedure of Southwest Horizon School Division. Further, I agree to adhere to this administrative procedure and will ensure that employees working under my direction adhere to this administrative procedure. I understand that if I violate the rules/procedures outlined in this administrative procedure, I may face disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. 

Name:    ___________________________________

Signature:    ________________________________

Date:    ____________________________________

Witness:    _________________________________