Student Services
Student services are staff and services provided by the school division to meet the needs of students who have exceptional learning, social/ emotional, behavioural, sensory, physical, cognitive/intellectual, communication, academic or special health-care needs. They are coordinated by the Student Services Coordinator.
Southwest Horizon School Division provides a variety of services for students who require special consideration over and above regular classroom programming.
Inclusion is a way of thinking and acting that allows every individual to feel accepted, valued and safe. An inclusive community consciously evolves to meet the changing needs of its members. Through recognition and support, an inclusive community provides meaningful involvement and equal access to the benefits of citizenship. In Manitoba we embrace inclusion as a means of enhancing the well being of every member of the community. By working together, we strengthen our capacity to provide the foundation for a richer future for all of us. (MB Education, Training and Youth, 2001)