Joint Safety & Health Committee

90-Day Inspection Form

Committee Meetings

To carry out its functions, the committee/representative is required to hold meetings and carry out regular inspections of the workplace. The inspections take place at a minimum of 1 inspection per 90 days. 

The Joint Safety and Health Committee will hold a meeting at least once every three months during regular working hours and on urgent matters.


Committee Meeting Notes

Minutes of each meeting must be recorded and available for review. Minutes should contain details of all matters discussed, as well as a full description of issues raised, any action recommended by the committee members and the employer response to the recommendation(s). Minutes should identify members by title and not by name. Members' names should be used only for attendance purposes.

Minutes should be signed by the co-chairs and posted in the workplace within one week of the meeting.


Committee Role in Workplace Inspections


The joint Safety and Health Committee must ensure that the workplace is inspected every 90 days. Other workers, as well as the employer, must give the Committee any information and assistance needed to carry out these inspections.


In some cases, the committee must also participate in the development of assessment reports and control-program reports required under the designated regulations.



Committee General Responsibilities


Generally speaking all committee members should be available to receive employee concerns, complaints and recommendations; to discuss problems and recommend solutions; and to provide input into existing and proposed safety and health programs.

Members of the committee are entitled to time off from work for authorized activities related to the responsibility of the committee or representative

The Committee will review injuries and accidents.

The Committee has the power to make recommendations to the employer on ways to improve workplace safety and health. The employer must respond in writing to any written recommendations within twenty one (21) days.

The Safety and Health Committee must be present at the investigation of work refusal. If a worker is killed or critically injured on the job, the Committee has the obligation to inspect the scene of the accident and any machine, equipment, substance, etc. that may be connected with the accident.

The Safety and Health Committee is entitled to request the annual summary of information from the Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba about compensation claims related to the workplace of the employer.

This information includes:


The Committee may from time to time come across confidential information. The Committee may not:


Committee members will not be held personally liable for anything done or omitted in good faith. 


Selection of Committee Members

The employees of Southwest Horizon School Division will select committee members. Southwest Horizon School Division will choose the remaining members from persons in the workplace who exercise managerial functions. Committee members will be selected as vacancies occur through a nomination and voting process.


Training of Committee Members

Southwest Horizon School Division will ensure that two members of the committee (one representing workers and one representing persons who exercise managerial functions) are adequately trained to perform their duties. The committee will receive 16 hours of professional development per year as per the Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Regulation.


Powers and Responsibilities of a Committee Member

It is the function of a committee and the committee has the power to:


Management Support

Our Executive team supports our safety committee and has instructed our safety committee to:


Legal Requirements – Employer's Duty

Southwest Horizon School Division shall provide employees with the information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to ensure their safety and health.

Southwest Horizon School Division shall ensure that each employee is informed of every known or foreseeable safety and health hazard in the area where the employee works. The School Division shall train their employees to ensure that all hazardous substances are stored, handled and used in the manner prescribed.