First Aid Kit
Southwest Horizon School Division has adopted this procedure to ensure the ongoing safety and health of our staff, students and visitors. Southwest Horizon School Division will ensure that appropriate First Aid supplies are maintained and accessible at all times and that a trained and competent individual is on-site at all times.
Southwest Horizon School Division is committed to meeting all legislative regulations regarding First Aid facilities, training, records and reporting under the Workplace Safety and Heath Act and Regulation.
Southwest Horizon School Division shall provide all First Aid services, supplies and equipment and when required, a first aid room.
All First Aid services, First Aid equipment and supplies shall be located in or near the worksite and is accessible during all working hours.
Southwest Horizon School Division will maintain all First Aid supplies and equipment in a clean, dry and working condition.
All supplies and equipment shall be stored in a container which shall protect its content from the environment and which clearly identifies the First Aid equipment and supplies.
Southwest Horizon School Division shall post in a conspicuous place signs, which will indicate the location of the First Aid services and equipment. In the event that signs are not practicable all workers must be informed of said location.
Southwest Horizon School Division shall create and implement an emergency communication system for workers to summon First Aid services.
Southwest Horizon School Division adheres to the requirements set forth by federal and provincial regulations in regards to storage, use and inventory control of First Aid Kits on school buses.
A means of communication to summon an ambulance will be available at all times.
In the event that a licensed ambulance service is not operated from a location within 30 minutes travel time of a workplace, Southwest Horizon School Division will arrange to transport the injured or ill worker. This could be done in a privately owned vehicle to a healthcare facility or to meet a licensed ambulance at its nearest point of availability. (WS&H Regulation Part 5 5.8(3)(a)
In the event that an employee needs to be accompanied during transportation due to an acute illness or injury, Southwest Horizon School Division shall ensure that a first aider accompanies the employee. (Not required if there are three or fewer workers at the worksite at a time).
First Aiders
Southwest Horizon School Division shall ensure that the number of First Aiders, their qualification as well as their training complies with the Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulation.
Southwest Horizon School Division requires a First Aider team be located in every facility they operate.
Southwest Horizon School Division shall ensure that all designated First Aiders hold a valid certificate in First Aid and have completed all appropriate First Aiders training courses.
Southwest Horizon School Division will maintain an up to date record of trained First Aiders.
In the event of an acute illness or injury, Southwest Horizon School Division shall create records of the incident.
Records will include the following information as outlined in Part 5 of the Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulation:
The name of the worker and or student;
A description of the incident;
The first aid given to the worker and or student;
The date and time of the illness or injury;
Items used from the First Aid Kit.
For the purpose of inventory control, the Joint Safety and Health Committee Representative will provide the Divisional Workplace Safety and Health Officer with a current inventory count of each First Aid Kit on their premises. The representative can submit the inventory count at the beginning of each JHSC meeting. Each kit is supplied with an inventory list that complies with the Manitoba Safety and Health Act and Regulation for reference.
All First Aid related records shall be kept for a minimum of five years from the date the incident was recorded.
If an employee requests a copy of the records pertaining to their injury, Southwest Horizon School Division will provide them.
Southwest Horizon School Division shall ensure that no employee will have access to another employee’s records unless:
The record does not identity the worker;
The worker has given their written permission.
First Aid Kit Requirements
Southwest Horizon School Division will stock all First Aid kits in a manner that complies with the Manitoba Safety and health Act and Regulation.
Acknowledgment & Agreement
I, ______________________ acknowledge that I have read and understand the Southwest Horizon School Division First Aid Procedure. I agree to adhere to this agreement in its entirety and will ensure that employees working under my direction adhere to this procedure. I understand that if I violate the rules set forth in this procedure, I may face legal, punitive, or corrective action up to and including, termination of employment.
Name: ______________________________
Signature: ______________________________
Date: ______________________________
Witness: ______________________________